Sunday, February 22, 2015

Digital Project Life | Week One

Digital Project Life | Week One

It is my goal doing Project Life in a Digital format, but trying to keep it as 'real' as possible.
So here is my two page spread with a 6x12 insert. Here we are..the first week of 2012!  I have decided this Project Life concept is simple if one is organized. Yes.. I am doing Digital Project Life but either way it's done the key is storage (files), product (graphics), and having a load of inspirational words (word art) handy. My philosophy is extremely simple: Keep on track, jot down notes as I snap the photos and focus on a few stories rather than the whole week of life.  Project Life to Me = Capturing Life with Snapshots + Inspirational Words and Sayings. Some weeks are busier than others, so I wish to highlight only the closest stories. There are a few stories untold this week due to the crazy happenings of a New Year.
Page One

I have choose to document those stories on stand alone layouts using regular digital scrapbook elements.

So I always save the x-rays and Dr. notes, appointment cards...... I do usually scan the original just for keeps sake. I tried so hard to resist the need to add this insert for this week.  As you can see the need to show their x-ray mouths won. I scanned the originals. Cropped out the teeth into 3 x 6 images. Added names and dates. Created a 6 x 12 template to house all 4 - 3 x 6 images. So I'm really glad I did it!  Gives it quite a unique feel don't you think?
Page Two


I added a drop shadow to my list of things and not really crazy about it.
Think it's because of the font I used.  Not a great fit.  So next time I'll mess around with that a bit more.

The older boys get to play a little paintball and the littles some trampoline.

Here's to week one complete! Yay!  I so have to NOT over think this project. I have started week two and will try a routine of posting on Mondays or Tuesdays from now on. This is definitely a work on throughout the week project. :) ~Melanie

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